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Volume 45 Issue II 2008
Exploration, collection, characterization, evaluation and conservation of wild rice germplasm of east India
B.C. Patra, S.R. Dhua, B.C. Marandi, P.K. Nayak, P.Swain, G.A.K.Kumar and K. Singh
Studies on intergenotypic competition in upland rice
D.N. Bastia, S.R. Das and T.K. Mishra
Analysis of gene action and combining ability for yield and its component characters in rice
R.K.Sharma and S.C.Mani
Genotype x environment interaction in scented rice
L.L. Panwar, V.N. Joshi and Mashiat Ali
Determination of fertility behaviour of thermo sensitive genic male sterile lines in rice
R. Chandirakala, G. Kandasamy and K. Thiyagarajan
Phenotypic stability for grain yield in rice
N. Bhakta and S.R. Das
Studies on nutrient management practice in rice-rice crop sequence under new alluvial zone of West Bengal
S. Pal, H. Banerjee, B. Basu and S. Maiti
Availability and fixation of added potassium in rice soils of West Bengal
S.K. Patra, R. Ray and C. Sahu
System productivity and nitrogen use efficiency in rice-wheat cropping system as influenced by integrated nutrient management
Sheela Barla and R.R. Upasani
Effect of planting dates and soil water regimes on growth and yield of upland rice
H.K. Rai and H.S. Kushwaha
Studies on the biology and reproductive behaviour of yellow stem borer, Scirpophaga incertulas Wlk.
D. Panigrahi and S. Rajamani
Tribal Livelihood and gender empowerment in rice-based farming system
Lipi Das, S.K. Mishra and N.C. Rath
Constraints of the farmers in cultivation of hybrid rice
R.K. Raj, B.B. Pradhan, S.K. Samantray and T. Badajena
Mode of gene action for grain yield, its components and grain quality traits in non-segregating generation (F1) of rice
Sanjeev Kumar, H.B. Singh and J.K. Sharma
Nitrogen uptake and N use efficiency in hybrid and common rice as influenced by nitrogen fertilization
Mahendra Singh Pal, Zhang Guoping and Chen Jinxin
Effect of nitrogen levels and weed management in hybrid rice
E.K. Srinivasan, S. Natarajan, M. Ganapathy and K. Arivazhagan
Suitable rice varieties for iron toxic soils of Orissa
S.C. Nayak, S.K. Sahu, D.P. Rout and R.K. Nayak
Influence of crop establishment techniques and sources of nutrients on productivity, energetics and economics of rice
H.M. Jayadeva and T.K. Prabhakara Shetty
Effect of seedling age and submergence on chlorophyll content of rice cultivars
B.P. Das, A.T. Roy and P. Dash
Participatory appraisal for biointensive IPM research in Basmati rice: A case study
S.D. Mohapatra
Evaluation of fungicides against fungal diseases in rice under filed conditions of Kashmir
Ali Anwar and G.N. Bhat