Studies on nutrient management practice in rice-rice crop sequence under new alluvial zone of West Bengal
Comparative effect of manuring on yield, under farmers’ practice, recommended practice and practice on the basis of soil test under rice-rice cropping system was studied at Regional Research Sub-Station, Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, West Bengal. The results revealed that the highest growth, yield attributes, grain and straw yield (4.15 and 4.61 t ha-1 during wet season and 5.90 and 6.10 t ha-1 during boro season) as well as system productivity (10.05 t ha-1) were recorded when the crop received 100 % recommended doses of NPK on the basis of soil test along with Zn @ 20 kg ZnSO4 ha-1 during both the seasons resulting in 53.90 % yield increase over control. This treatment also gave the highest value of net return (Rs. 25730 ha-1) and return per rupee investment (1.70). Thus a nutrient management system can be adopted for sustained crop production, which involved nutrient application on the basis of soil test along with micronutrient application in the deficient soil.
Author : S. Pal, H. Banerjee, B. Basu and S. Maiti
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