Delineation of major and micronutrient status of soils of rice based cropping system in Mayurbhanj district of Odisha
The present study was conducted to delineate the extent of macro and micro-nutrient deficiency in red and lateritic soils of Mayurbhanj district of Odisha during 2010-11. Soil samples were collected from paddy fields of five selected blocks (Shyamakhunta, Kuliana, Badasahi, Betanati and Baripada) of the district and analyzed for major and micronutrients. The results revealed that the soils were acidic in reaction (pH: 4.1 to 6.6) and low in available P and K values (kg ha-1) which varied from 0.20 to 6.0 and 50.0 to 419.0, respectively. The soils of Kuliana and Baripada block were low in organic carbon content whereas others have medium status. The available B, Zn and S content in soils (mg kg-1) varied between 0.04-0.94, 0.05-6.01 and 0.02-17.0 respectively with respective mean values of 0.45, 1.54 and 5.20 mg kg-1. About 66% of soils were deficient in hot water soluble B. Available S deficiency varied between 61-77% with mean value of 83%. The soils were rich in DTPA extractable Zn. Application of B and S fertilizer in addition to major nutrients is highly essential for getting higher yield in red and laterite soils of Odisha.
Author : DR Sarangi*,AK Chatterjee, D Jena, RK Mohanta and SK Swain
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