Statistical analysis of multi-environmental rice yield trial in Bastar district of Chhattisgarh
The adaptability of crop varieties in multi-location trials (MVAT) is a problem in the presence of genotype by environment (G X E) interaction. Various statistical techniques are available to analyse the data in MVAT. But, the information on these methods and their relative performance on evaluation of adaptability of rice varieties are limited. Therefore, a study was conducted to statistical analyze the multi-environmental rice yield data to compare the statistical methods available for analysis. MVATs data of rice were collected from farmer's field of five diverse locations of Bastar district. It consisted of data on performance of varieties at 5 locations over 03 replicated fields. The statistical techniques such as stability parameters, ranking and multivariate techniques were tested with the yield data. Different stability methods consider different aspect of variability across environment and hence produce different results for the same data. Therefore, interpretations of stability of varieties vary according to different parameters considered. Multivariate methods describe G X E interaction effectively with plots that are easy to understand.
Author : DP Singh, RR Saxena, YK Sahu, Narendra Kumawat, Rakesh Kumar* and D Mandal
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