Rainwater management for three-crop system in high rainfall areas of rainfed ecosystem

Study of rainfall and evaporation in coastal districts of Orissa showed that field crops like sesame, green gram and black gram could be grown in summer using summer showers; whereas winter crops like mustard, groundnut and vegetables required supplementary irrigation. The cropping sequences identified to be suitable were: rice-mustard-pulses, rice-mustard-sesame, rice-mustard-vegetables, rice-groundnut/chilli/vegetables/ sesame and rice-black gram (paira) -sesame. Of these, the rice-mustard-sesame sequence was widely adopted by farmers. The 3-crop system increased farm earnings from Rs. 1.25 to Rs. 6.15 rupee-1 invested with total netprofit of Rs. 32,600 ha-1. It provided round the year employment to the farm families.

Author : P.C. Mohapatra and R. Panda