Effect of nitrogen levels on yield, N uptake and nitrogen use efficiency of hybrid rice

The effect of nitrogen doses viz. 0, 50, 100 and 150 Kg N ha-1 on growth, yield and N use efficiency (NUE) of hybrid rice (PHB-71, KRH-2, NDRH-2), and inbred check NDR-359 was studied. The highest grain and straw yield, N uptake, agronomic efficiency and physiological efficiency were observed with PHB-71 followed by NDRH-2 whereas lowest values were observed with inbred check NDR-359. N application resulted in significant increase in grain yield, straw yield, nitrogen uptake, panicles m-2 and panicle weight with every increase in dose of nitrogen upto 150kg N ha-1 while agronomic efficiency (AE) was highest with 100 Kg N ha-1 and physiological efficiency (PE) with 50 Kg N ha-1 . Any variation in dose caused significant reduction in AE and PE.

Author : S.F.A. Zaidi and H.P. Tripathi