Effect of different nutrient levels on yield and yield attributes of hybrid and inbred rice varieties

The effect of fifteen combinations of fertilizer doses in two rice varieties (one hybrid and one inbred) were studied on the yield attributes and yield. Different yield attributing parameters such as number of panicle m-2 number of grains panicle-1, 1000-grain weight, grain and straw yields were significantly higher in hybrid rice cultivar PSD-1 compared to inbred cultivar Saket-4. Hybrid rice cultivar PSD-1 recorded highest grain yield (5.5 t ha-1) with treatment T13 (N200P34.4K66.6Zn10 kg ha-1) while inbred cultivar Saket-4 recorded maximum yield with T9 (N150P34.4K66.6 Zn 10 kg ha-1).

Author : P.K. Singh and V. Bharadwaj