Efficacy of some insecticides and fungicides as tank mix against rice blast and whorl maggot

Two fungicides viz., tricyclazole (Sivic 75 WP) and iprobenphos (Kitazin 48 EC) @ 0.06 % and 0.2%, respectively and two insecticides viz., indoxacarb (Indoxacarb 15 EC) and cartap hydrochloride (Caldan 50 SP) @ 0.006%l and 0.08%, respectively were evaluated as separate treatments as well as in all fungicide – insecticide combinations for their efficacy against blast and whorl maggot and to investigate their compatibility as tank mix application for the purpose of reducing the application cost in the event of simultaneous occurrence of blast and whorl maggot. Insecticides viz., cartap hydrochloride (Caldan 50 SP) and indoxacarb (Indoxacarb 15 EC) were effective against whorl maggot and fungicides viz., tricyclazole (Sivic 75 WP) and iprobenphos (Kitazin 48 EC) were effective against rice blast. There was no reduction in the efficacy of these insecticides and fungicides when used as tank mix combination and phytotoxicity symptoms were not observed in any of the treatments. Thus all the insecticides and fungicides used in the present investigation are compatible with each other and can be safely used as tank mix combinations for the control of rice pests.

Author : Pawan K. Sharma and G. K. Sood