Potassium fixation capacity in some mineralogically different rice soils
An incubation experiment on potassium fixation in some mineralogically different rice soils of West Bengal was studied at varying levels of added K. About 6.2 to 42 % of added K was fixed in these soils. Potassium fixation increased with increasing amounts of applied K, however, the percentage of added K fixed decreased gradually. Addition of 15 to 240 mg K kg-1 soil, illite and smectite dominant Inceptisols with high available and reserve K resutted in a relatively lower K fixation (4.9 to 39.6 mg kg-1 soil) as compared to illite , smectite and chlorite dominant Entisols (5.5 to 41.0 mg kg-1 soil) containing moderate available and reserve K. Conversely, kaolinite dominant Alfisol with low available and reserve K registered the lowest amount of K fixation (2.5 to 14.9 mg kg-1 soil).
Author : S.K. Patra, R. Ray, K.K.Ghosh and C. Sahu
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