Dry matter production and nutrient removal in wet seeded rice–cotton cropping sequence under integrated nutrient management practices
A field investigation was carried out, to study the effect of integrated nutrient management practices on dry matter production, nutrient uptake and yield of wet seeded rice and cotton under sequential cropping system, during summer seasons of 2001 and 2002. The study was undertaken at the Central Farm, Agricultural College and Research Institute, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Killikulam. Eleven treatments were imposed in wet seeded rice viz., pre sowing of Sesbania aculeata @ 50 kg seeds ha-1, in situ incorporation at 45 days after sowing+100 % recommended dose of fertilizer (RDF) (150:50:50 Kg NPK ha-1), pre sowing of Sesbania aculeata @ 75 kg seeds ha-1, in situ incorporation at 45 DAS+75 % RDF (112.5: 37.5:37.5 Kg NPK ha-1), intercropping of Sesbania aculeata @ 25 kg seeds ha-1 and incorporation at 40 DAS + 100 % RDF, intercropping of Sesbania aculeata @ 37.5 kg seeds ha-1 and incorporation at 40 DAS +75 % RDF, GLM (Glyricidia maculata) @ 6.25 t ha-1 +100 % RDF, GLM (Glyricidia maculata) @ 9.75 t ha-1 + 75 % RDF, FYM @ 12.5 t ha-1 + 100 % RDF, FYM @ 18.75 t ha-1 + 75 % RDF, 100 % RDF alone (150:50:50 Kg NPK ha-1), 75 % RDF alone (112.5: 37.5:37.5 Kg NPK ha-1) and control. Four nutrient management practices were adopted viz., 100 % RDF (60:30:30 kg NPK ha-1), 75 % RDF (45:22.5:22.5 kg NPK ha-1), 50 % RDF (30:15:15 kg NPK ha-1) and control in succeeding cotton crop. Application of FYM @ 12.5 t ha-1 + 150:50:50 kg NPK ha-1recorded significantly higher dry matter production (10.90 t ha-1) and nutrient uptake (154.2:24.8:171.6 kg NPK ha-1) at harvest stage, grain yield (5538 kg ha-1) and straw yield (8693 kg ha-1) than inorganic fertilizer alone and control and it was on par with pre sowing of Sesbania aculeata @ 50 kg seeds ha-1, in situ incorporation at 45 DAS +100 % RDF (150:50:50 kg NPK ha-1). In succeeding cotton also, application of FYM @ 12.5 t ha-1 + 150: 50: 50 kg NPK ha-1 to rice exerted more residual effect and significantly improved the dry matter production (3.93 t ha-1) and nutrient removal (85.6:15.4:105.6 kg NPK ha-1) at harvest stage, seed cotton yield (1.29 t ha-1) and stalk yield (2.78 t ha-1). Direct application of inorganic fertilizer to residual crop/succeeding cotton at 100 % RDF (60:30:30 kg NPK ha-1) also significantly enhanced the dry matter production (4.18 t ha-1) and nutrient removal (101.0:17.6:114.5 kg NPK ha-1) at harvest stage, seed cotton yield (1.40 t ha-1) and stalk yield (2.87 t ha-1) than application of 75 % RDF (45:22.5:22.5 kg NPK ha-1) and 50 % RDF (30:15:15 kg NPK ha-1).
Author : M.Senthivelu, B.J. Pandian and A.C. Surya Prabha
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