Performance of Pusa Rice Hybrid 10 with variable sources of manuring

Performance of Pusa Rice Hybrid – 10 with variable sources of manuring” was conducted on a Mollisol at Crop Research Centre of G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, India. Twelve treatments (9 Pure organic and three checks) treatments viz. Sesbania green manuring (GM @ 20 t and 30 t ha-1 alone, sesbania 20 t + FYM 5 t and 10 t and 10 t ha-1) were studied against recommended NPK (100 Kg N, 60 Kg P205, and 40 Kg K2O ha-1, 50 percent recommended NPK and control (unfertilized). Newly evolved aromatic hybrid variety PRH-10 (115 days) was used. Green manuring of Sesbania aculeata 30 t + FYM 5 t ha-1 produced the highest grain (4.4 t ha-1), straw (4.6 t ha-1) and dry matter yield (9.0 t ha-1) which was significantly higher than control. This combination of organic nutrients had increased grain yield by 13 percent over recommended NPK and 51 percent over control.

Author : K. K. Suman and P. S. Bisht