Effect of integrated nutrient management on yield and seed quality in rice

Field experiments were conducted to find out the effect of rice varieties and integrated nutrient management on rice seed production in rice-wheat cropping system at New Delhi during wet seasons of 2006-08. The experimental treatments included three rice varieties viz. Pusa 44, Pusa Basmati 1 and Pusa 1121and six nutrient management practices viz. control-N0P0K0; recommended dose of nitrogenous fertilizer (N 120 kg ha-1); 75% of recommended dose of nitrogen; 75% of recommended dose of nitrogen + Azolla 1 t ha-1; 75% of recommended dose of nitrogen + Blue Green Algae (BGA) 2kg ha-1 and 75% of recommended dose of nitrogen + BGA 2 kg ha-1+ Azolla 1 t ha-1. In addition to these treatments, standard recommended dose of 37.5 kg of P2O5 ha-1 and 47kg of K2O ha-1 were applied to all the plots except absolute control. The results indicated that integrated application of 75% of recommended dose of chemical nitrogen along with Azolla or BGA significantly influenced plant growth, yield attributes and seed quality of rice as compared to control. Beside seed quality, iron and zinc content in rice grain was enhanced due to integrated nutrient management. Organic content of soil increased due to integrated nutrient management.