Influence of integrated crop management practices on lowland rice
Field experiments were conducted during wet seasons at the Crop Research Station, Ghaghra ghat, (U.P.) to find out the most remunerative method of rice crop establishment in lowlands. Grain yield recorded in plots with transplanting in lines at 20x10 cm spacing in puddled soil + anilophos @ 0.4 kg a.i. ha-1 at 4 days after transplanting with recommended dose of fertilizers (RDF) @120 kg N+60 P2O5+40 kg K2O+25 kg ZnSO ha-1 was on par with seeding of sprouted seeds (80 kg ha-1) by 8 - row drum seeder and application of anilophos @ 0.4 kg a.i. ha-1 at 4-6 days after transplanting along with RDF, and direct seeding in lines (100 kg ha-1 ) + anilophos @ 0.4 kg a.i. ha-1 at 3 days after sowing followed by 2, 4-D @ 0.5 kg a.i. ha-1 at 20 days after sowing + one hand weeding at 35 days after sowing along with RDF produced significantly higher grain yield over rest of the treatments. The highest net income of Rs. 11460 ha-1 was obtained with transplanting at 20x10cm spacing + anilophos @ 0.4 kg a.i. ha-1 at 4 DAT + 120 kg N + 60 kg P2O5+ 40 kg K2O+25 kg ZnSO4 ha-1 ( N -3 splits) + P2O5 and ZnSO4 and 75% K2O as basal and 25% K2O at panicle initiation (PI), however, benefit : cost ratio was highest (1.44) with seeding of sprouted seeds (80 kg ha-1) by drum seeder + anilophos @ 0.4 kg a.i.ha-1 at 4 DAS + one HW at 40 DAS + 120 kg N+60 kg P2O5+40 kg K2O+25 kg ZnSO4 ha-1 ( N-3 splits) + P2O5 and ZnSO4 and 75% K2O as basal and 25% K2O at PI stage.
Author : G. Singh, O. P. Singh, S. B. Singh, R. S. Singh and R. P. Singh
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