Effect of nursery raising techniques of Boro rice on plant growth and soil physical properties
Four nursery raising techniques namely in open condition, with farm yard manure (FYM) and without FYM, raising nursery in poly house with FYM and without FYM were employed to select optimum nursery growing environment under field condition and its effect on soil physical properties and plant growth was studied. Difference in soil temperature was 4.60C between poly house and open condition at 5 cm depth irrespective of FYM application. Organic carbon content and water retention were found higher in FYM applied soils. Growth parameters of seedlings were found highly significant under poly house compared to open condition. Number of seedlings survived in nursery under poly house with FYM was highest. Root weight under poly house was 98 per cent higher than open condition. Higher root diameter was observed in open condition over poly house. Root length density, surface density and volume density were higher under poly house. Root shoot ratio was to be found highest in nursery in polyhouse with FYM which was 83 per cent higher than open condition without FYM. Boro rice seedlings under poly house with FYM recorded the highest number and better crop stand than other treatments. Under open condition, FYM application proved to be superior to nursery (Without FYM).
Author : K. Rajan, S. S. Singh and N. Subash
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