Heterosis studies in rice hybrids involving diverse cytosteriles
Forty hybrids were developed utilizing five cytoplasmic male sterile lines of four different sources and eight effective restorers and they were studied for the extent of heteorosis for eight different quantitative characters over popular commercial rice hybrid Sahyadri as a standard check. Seven hybrids viz., IR 58025 A/ Panvel - 1(41.90%), IR 58025 A/ IR 5 (36.43%), IR 58025 A/ Ratnagiri 3 (33.81 %), PMS 2 A / IR 54 (33.57 %), PMS 2A / IR 5 (30.95%), PMS 2A / Ratnagiri 3 (30.48% ), WA base hybrids and G 46 / Ratnagiri 3 (24.05%) - Gambiaca base hybrid, expressed highly significant positive heterosis for grain yield over rice hybrid Sahyadri.
Author : R.L. Kunkerkar, D.S. Sawant, V.N. Shetye and P.B. Vanave
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