Influence of crop management practices on productivity and economics of rice in south Andaman Islands

On-farm experiments were conducted during wet seasons of 2008 and 2009 in the farmer's field at Calicut and Manjery villages in South Andaman district to select best management practices for rice to increase the Island level productivity. In on-farm trials, four best treatments of on-station experiment along with the farmer's practice of cultivation were evaluated in farmer's field. Planting of rice at 20 x 20 cm with application of 50 % recommended dose (90 kg ha-1) of nitgen (RDN) through Gliricidia + 50 % RDN through urea resulted in better growth, uptake of nutrients and yield attributes which in turn led to higher grain, straw yield and monetary returns and was at par with application of 75 % RDN through Gliricidia + 25 % RDN through urea at same density. The increase in grain yield was 0.90 t ha-1 in Calicut village and 0.91 t ha-1 in Manjery compared to planting at 25 x 25 cm. The increases in grain yield at 20 x 20 cm spacing with organic-inorganic nutrient combination over farmers practice was 2.11 t ha-1 and 1.98 t ha-1 in Calicut and Manjery, respectively.