Influence of age of rice plant on bacterial blight disease development
Gene x Environment (GE) interactions are well known in influencing the gene expression. Bacterial blight (BB) of rice is the most important disease influencing heavy losses under congenial conditions. In the present study response of resistance genes identified against BB is studied under Chhattisgarh condition. Eighty nine genotypes were chosen to study the influence of age of the plant on resistance against bacterial blight development at three
growth stages i.e. seedling, maximum tillering and boot to flowering. Results indicated that the genotypes, crop growth stages and their interaction were significant. Two years data indicated that the genotypes IRBB-52; CRMAS-2231-31; IRBB-55; IRBB-54 and CRMAS-2231-34 had the least infection and five genotypes i.e. TN-1; IR-8; Tetep; IR-24 and IR-64 had the maximum infection. The over all general mean of the genotype response at different growth stages clearly indicated that maximum bacterial blight developed at boot stage to flowering stage though; there were exceptions within in the genotypes.
Author : Ashwarya Tandon, VS Thrimurty, N Khare and SD Chaliganjewar
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