Economic assessment of technology adoption in summer rice production in the Konkan region - methodology for excess adoption
An attempt was made to study the economic assessment of technology adoption of summer rice and to suggest the methodology for measurement of technology adoption in case of excess adoption. Study is based on primary data collected from 120 summer paddy growers from Raigad district of Maharashtra, India. An attempt is also made to suggest a methodology for excess use of inputs up to any level which is more than the recommended level. As the per cent use of inputs more than the recommended level increases, the technology adoption index also decreases in the same proportion. The study revealed that seed was utilized in excess quantity in all groups and use of fertilizers was more in higher adoption group. Input gap was ranging from 33 per cent to 48 per cent which was higher in low adoption group. The total yield gap was 10.42 q (22.53 per cent). The increase in yield was 17.25 per cent more in high adoption group than the check (low adoption). It is concluded that, in addition to increase in adoption of technology by more number of farmers, the extent of adoption also needs to be increased for increasing productivity of rice, reducing yield gap and per quintal cost of rice production.
Author : SR Torane, JM Talathi and SS Torane
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