Adoption level, attitude and constraints in the implementation of Rice Integrated Pest and Disease Management (IPDM) Module

An impact analysis was taken up for the field demonstrated rice integrated pest and diseases management (IPDM) module in the Madurai East block of Tamil Nadu. The practice-wise adoption, change in the attitude of the farmers and the constraints faced were investigated. Though the level of adoption had increased with favourable attitude the various constraints expressed by the farmers have to be solved for sustained adoption of this technology. Conducting more local demonstrations along with regular monitoring of trained staff will overcome the bio-physical and personal constraints and in turn will increase the adoption and confidence level among the farmers. The contented farmers are also sure to disseminate the information from farmer to farmer in their own villages. Rice IPDM module promoted a shift from the present inorganic chemical reliance to the biointensive organic IPDM, accordingly lowering the production costs at farm level will be ensured. Farmers must also re-assign to mechanized rice cultivation and develop cooperative ethics in the minds of people. Rice IPDM is sure to reduce environmental pollution; improves soil and water quality; reduce farmers and consumers risks from pesticide poisoning and related hazards; ecologically sustainable by conserving natural enemy species, biodiversity and genetic diversity and ultimately raise the socio-economic status of the rice growers.