Leaf area index, flag leaf characters, chlorophyll content and yield of rice genotypes under various establishment methods
Study revealed that Aerobic transplanting at 25 cm x 25 cm recorded significantly the highest LAI (5.46), flag leaf area (59.23 cm2), grain (41.39 qha-1) and straw yield (53.76 qha-1) and lowest flag leaf l/b ratio(18.30) and chlorophyll a/b ratio (2.29) .Aerobic rice Pyari was significantly superior in terms of LAI (5.05), flag leaf area (51.52 cm2) chlorophyll index (14.08) and grain yield (37.64 qha-1) with lowest flag leaf a/b ratio (21.18) and chlorophyll a/b ratio (2.35). Same treatment also produced significantly higher grain yield (43.43 qha-1), flag leaf area (61.58 cm2) and higher chlorophyll index (15.33) and lower flag leaf l/b ratio (23.03) and chlorophyll a/b ratio (2.24) while variety Hiranyamayee proved superior over other varieties with respect to yield of grain, flag leaf area and flag leaf l/b ratio. Significantly the highest positive correlation with grain yield was observed due to straw yield (r=0.995**) followed by LAI (r= 0.882*) and highest significant negative correlation was noticed with flag leaf length/breadth ratio (r= -0.979**).
Author : Priyanka Das, JML Gulati*, Sarthak Pattanayak and SN Jena
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