Combining ability analysis for yield and yield components in basmati rice
Twenty eight F1’s produced from diallel cross excluding reciprocals among eight parents, were studied along with the parents for combining ability for yield and 15 yield components. The study revealed importance of both additive and non-additive gene effects in governing yield and yield components with preponderance of non-additive gene action for most of the yield components. Additive gene action was found important for 1000-grain weight. The parental genotype UPR 2845-6-3-1 and Pant Sugandh Dhan 15 were found good general combiners. The hybrids namely Pant Sugandh Dhan 15/Basmati 370, Pant Sugandh Dhan 15/Type 3, Pant Sugandh Dhan 15/Pant Sugandh Dhan 17, Pant Sugandh Dhan 15/Pusa Basmati 1, Pant Sugandh Dhan 15/Pusa Sugandh 4, Pant Sugandh Dhan 15/UPR 2845-6-3-1, Pant Sugandh Dhan 15/UPR 3003-11-1-1, Basmati 370/Pant Sugandh Dhan 17, Basmati 370/Pusa Basmati 1, Type 3/Pusa Basmati1, Type 3/UPR 2845-6-3-1, Pant Sugandh Dhan 17/Pusa Sugandh 4, Pant Sugandh Dhan17/UPR 2845-6-3-1, Pant Sugandh Dhan 17/UPR 3003-11-1-1, Pusa Basmati 1/Pusa Sugandh 4, Pusa Sugandh 4/UPR 2845-6-3-1 and UPR 2845-6-3-1/UPR 3003-11-1-1 have shown significant favourable sca effect for yield and different yield components.
Author : Aditya Kumar, Surendra Singh* and Santosh Kumar Magadum
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