Incremental yield and returns from rice variety Naveen in front line demonstrations- an analysis
The study was conducted at Regional Rainfed Lowland Rice Research Station, Gerua in lower Brahmaputra valley and north bank plain agro-climatic zone of Assam during boro season of 2013 and 2014 to evaluate the performance of rice variety Naveen at different locations in farmer’s field. Front line demonstrations (FLD) were conducted with improved package of practices which was found superior to farmer’s practices at all locations in terms of yield and economic returns. Naveen with improved production technologies in front line demonstrations, increased mean grain yield by an average of 29% over existing farmer’s practice with only `1154 extra expenditure per hectare on inputs. The mean extension gap (1.17 t ha-1) and mean B:C (17.56) are sufficiently high and farmers can easily be motivated for adoption of Naveen variety with recommended rice production technology.
Author : Teekam Singh*, KB Pun, BS Satapathy, Kanchan Saikia and S Lenka
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