Stability analysis for grain yield and its component traits in rice

Twenty nine genotypes of rice were evaluated for the stability of yield and yield components by growing them under three different environments. Significant differences among the genotypes and environments for the twelve traits studied, suggested the presence of wide variability. Both the components of G × E interaction were significant, indicating that the major portion of interaction was linear in nature and prediction over the
environments could be possible. Significant pooled deviations observed for all the traits, suggested that there is a considerable genotypic differences. Based on the stability parameters, none of the genotype could be identified as stable for higher grain yield over three environments but, the genotypes PRR-78, Ketaki Joha, Swarna Sub-1 and Nagina-22 showed stability for low grain yield in all three environments. Whereas, the genotypes NDR-3026-3-1R, Pusa Basmati-1, IDR-763, Karahani, Kanak Jeer and Pant Dhan-12 for high grain yield per plant were considered as suitable under improved environment.