Dr. Parameswaran C
Dr. Parameswaran C has been working
on cloning and characterization of genes in rice and Chickpea. The major basal
thermotolerance gene of chickpea CarMBF1C (Multiprotein bridging factor 1) was
characterized through heterologous expression in Arabidopsis. Additionally, he
has been associated in characterization of a notch-like receptor gene in root
knot nematode and MIPS1 gene for phytate levels in soybean through RNAi
approach. Currently, he is working on CRISPR-Cas9 approach for editing IPA1
gene of rice for increasing the number of spikelets per panicle in the HKR-127
and Swarna cultivar. The developed genome edited plants showed 25-30% increase
in number of spikelets per panicle. Additionally, heterologous characterization
of Urochondra genes in rice is being carried out to enhance the reproductive
stage salinity tolerance in rice. Overall, 37 research publications related to
gene characterization, genome-wide phylogenetic analysis, utilization of
molecular markers for trait association in rice have been published in reputed
journals from his work.